The Ultimate Escape for Executive Women in 2025…

A Powerful & Immersive Retreat for Women of Impact

Join us for 2.5 inspiring, productive and relaxing days in the stunning, tropical paradise of Palm Cove, QLD. Connect with like-minded women, and explore all things branding, leadership, and career development. Learn to not just survive, but to thrive in the impactful career you’ve worked so hard for.


The highlight of the retreat was the networking – meeting other amazing women of impact. It has helped me to be more focused on the challenge ahead, to feel encouraged that there are women who are so supportive. It has made me feel energised, inspired and excited about the future. It’s also freed up my thinking about the possibilities ahead!

Jenny Beckman-Wong

The retreat surpassed my expectations! The calibre of material and presenter was high. Equally the calibre of other attendees was also fantastic.”

Joanna Nelson

Time away from life’s noise to re-focus and reset. Amanda set an amazing program to challenge and inspire, in the beautiful setting of Palm Cove. I loved the diversity of topics and the real takeaways I still use, including how to showcase the difference I make and my unique attributes to present to the media. A great investment to relaunch again and again”

Michelle Barry

When was the Last Time You
put Yourself and Your
Career First ?

As a woman of impact, you work so hard every day to elevate others, and help them reach their potential.

At the office, you spend all day pouring yourself out for your team, your superiors, and your clients. And when you get home, you give what’s left to your partner, your family, and your friends. You go the extra mile without being asked. You ask for nothing in return.

But with so many people to care for, responsibilities to manage, and expectations to meet… Chances are, your needs are put on the back burner every day.

It’s Impossible to Pour From
an Empty Cup…

It’s a myth that the harder you work, the further
you’ll get. Because the truth is, unless you tackle
your overwhelm and stress the right way, burnout is inevitable, and will stop you from achieving the
goals you’ve set for your career and life.

When you take time out of your busy day-to-day to focus on yourself, it can redefine your path for the better. Because when you fit your own mask first, you’re equipped to better help yourself, your staff,
and your organizations in the long-run!

When You Put Your Needs, Your Goals, and
Your Wellbeing First, it has the Power to
Change Everything

Experience total clarity
into your goals, mission, and purpose, so you
know exactly what steps you need to take to
move forward.

Define your leadership
brand, and gain
recognition as a thought leader in your industry
and beyond.

Stop waiting for doors
to open for you, and
finally claim the role,
promotion, and salary
you deserve.

Expand your capacity
to experience more of
life, and gain more
energy to spend with
your family, loved ones,
and yourself.

Become the leader you
were born to be, and
help your team achieve
greater results than ever

Rise above the busyness
of life, and become the
master of your own
time, schedule and life.

And most of all, to take hold of your own narrative, and experience
the life you want and the career you deserve.

Spoil Yourself with 2.5 Immersive (and totally
relaxing) Days in Paradise at the Women of
Impact Leadership
Retreat 2025

7x impactful, facilitated sessions exploring leadership, executive
branding, and influence to equip and empower you to move your
career forward

Incredible guest speakers with a broad range of leadership, branding, and corporate expertise

Powerful networking times to connect and collaborate with like-minded women in senior roles from around the world

Dedicated time to rest, recharge, and realign yourself with your vision and goals, as well as optional daily yoga & pilates.

Catered morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea every day

A welcome Thursday night cocktail party, and decadent Friday night dinner to help you let your hair down (it is a retreat, afterall!)

Want to chat to learn more?

Ready to book already?

The Details:

Women of Impact 2025 Leadership Retreat Pullman Palm Cove Sea Temple Resort & Spa, Palm Cove QLD

29 - 31 May 2025

Reignite Your Passion for Your Career in a Tropical Paradise...

Who said professional development was reserved for stuffy conference rooms? Join me for 2.5 days in paradise in the luxurious haven that is Palm Cove, QLD. Surrounded by palm trees and drenched in sunshine, this idyllic beach-side resort is the perfect backdrop to learn, network, and of course, to let your hair down and recharge.

I’ve been visiting this resort since 1997, and it’s the home of many of my own personal breakthrough moments. Sharing this stunning location with other women is one of my greatest joys, so they too can rejuvenate, regroup, and re-enter their world’s with clarity.

You’re also welcome to extend your stay, and enjoy unforgettable experiences such as visiting the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest (that is, if you can peel yourself away from the pool!).

Hi, I’m Amanda Blesing…

Your Host, Mentor & Facilitator

Empowered women make a bigger difference, and leading women inspire change. Yet, as a former CEO, I know first-hand that gender biases and glass ceilings are still preventing women reaching their true potential, and landing C-Suite positions.

That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help more women win the recognition, raises, and promotions they truly deserve. And, while that journey ends in the boardroom, it starts with you, and building the confident, resilient, and unstoppable mindset you need for success.

At this powerful retreat, I want to share with you the tools, strategies, and support you need to redefine your career, and claim your dream life!

The Women of Impact Leadership Retreat is Right
for You If…

You want to more impact, opportunity, and recognition from your leadership, executive or c-suite role

You want to break through glass ceilings, and build a lasting legacy with your expertise

You want to inspire change in your organization to create a culture of gender inclusivity

You want to reignite your passion for life, career, and leadership

You want to meet, network, and connect with career-minded women who truly understand you

You want to break free from stress, exhaustion, and burnout for good

Are You Ready to Make This Decision
to Invest in Yourself?

The way I see it, you have two choices:

Option A

You continue along the relentless path you’re on, and putting others first. You try your best to be a good, supportive, and impactful leader – but you’re drawing from a limited resource of time, energy, and passion. You’re waiting for your success to arrive, and doing what you think you need to do to get there… but in reality, you remain stuck, and nothing is changing.

Option B

You choose to put yourself first for just 3 utterly life-changing days. You pause the day-to-day notifications, meetings, and requests (and no, nothing combusts!).

You replenish your cup to overflow with energy, inspiration, passion, and love for your life and career. And this actually extends your capacity so you can become a better leader who is more capable of supporting others than before! You learn to define your own success, create lasting change, and impact your organization for the better.

Oh, and you also experience total, unadulterated relaxation

– complete with Pina Coladas by the beach!

The choice is yours…

I Choose Option B!

Check Out These Transformations From
Smart ‘n’ Savvy Executive Woman

The retreat surpassed my expectations! The calibre of material and presenter was high. Equally the calibre of other attendees was also fantastic.

Joanna Nelson


Time away from life’s noise to re-focus and reset. Amanda set an amazing program to challenge and inspire, in the beautiful setting of Palm Cove. I loved the diversity of topics and the real takeaways I still use, including how to showcase the difference I make and my unique attributes to present to the media. A great investment to relaunch again and again

Michele Barry

Community Sector Leader

The highlight of the retreat was the networking – meeting other amazing women of impact. It has helped me to be more focused on the challenge ahead, to feel encouraged that there are women who are so supportive. It has made me feel energised, inspired and excited about the future. It’s also freed up my thinking about the possibilities ahead!

Jenny Beckman-Wong

Marketing Leader

Frequently Asked Questions About The Women Of
Impact Retreat In Palm Cove

Bookings open October 2024


Accommodation Release: 60 days prior to each retreat (although early booking recommended as it’s a busy time of year)


1 May Retreat Booking Close for May Retreat


Retreat kick off from 12.30pm on the Thursday (with lunch) and the Retreat closes at 2.30pm on the Saturday after lunch.

The pandemic and economic downturn has driven women out of the workforce at alarming rates. Those women who remain continue to face increasing pressures and challenges as they pick up the emotional burden both at home and the office (office housework). Recent research from where they interviewed 300 C- and VP-level women at the top of their companies and industries found the following alarming insights:

• 30% said the pandemic is knocking them off their professional career course
• 24% were planning on leaving their companies sooner due to the company’s response to the pandemic
• This loss of talented women from leadership has a cascading effect on the women who remain — and poses a significant threat to gender equity initiatives overall
• Which in turn, has serious implications for organisations as women reconsider their commitment to leadership within their current organisation

The women who remain are taking on an overwhelming amount of additional responsibilities on top of their already full plates, putting them at increased risk of burnout.

By prioritising yourself and your needs as a leader, you’ll become more productive, your focus will become laser sharp and you’ll get that much needed confidence boost that will help you fall back in love with your role again and kick even bigger goals in the future.

Many of the smart and talented women I work with have found themselves feeling quite depleted because of a tendency to prioritise everyone else’s needs above their own. This means it’s imperative that we carefully curate the program to ensure you get the balance between inspiration and down time to ensure you thrive, not just survive.

The program includes:

• Dedicated time to rest, recharge, and realign yourself with your vision and purpose
• Movement is medicine so we also offer optional roof top yoga and guided morning walks
• Scrumptious catered morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea every day
• Plus drinks on the beach on Thursday evening and a fabulous Friday night dinner in a glorious
outdoor beach side restaurant NuNu, to help you let your hair down (it is a retreat, after all!)

I can guarantee you’ll feel like a million dollars at the conclusion and won’t want to leave!

I am proud to work with a wide-ranging, diverse clientele of all ages, industries, seniority in their organisation, cultural backgrounds, and personality types, including those who are more introvert and those who tend towards extroversion in nature. The one thing all these women have in common is that they all take their career progression seriously. They don’t just want to make more money or to lead more effectively or to even be in the spotlight all the time. Instead, they also want to ensure their voice is heard, and that they are truly making a bigger difference. When you feel as though your opinion is valued and that you’re truly making a difference, you’re perfectly positioned to thrive, not just survive.

If you are an executive woman looking to for the following benefits then this retreat is definitely right for you:

You are looking to create more impact, opportunity, and recognition from your leadership, executive or C-suite role

You want to break through glass ceilings, and build a lasting legacy with your expertise and leadership

You want to inspire change in your organisation to create a culture of inclusivity

You want to reignite your passion for life, career, and leadership

You want to meet, network, and connect with career-minded women who truly understand you and

You want to break free from stress, exhaustion, and burnout for good.

By taking an holistic approach to you as a leader you will not only be better engaged and more productive, you will have more clarity about future possibilities, ultimately falling back in love with yourself and your career again. With both my own experience as a C-level leader, plus a 20+ year career history in fitness and wellness, I am passionate about creating programs that serve you as a whole person – a woman who feels you are able to bring your whole authentic self to work. This has to be a win-win.

It’s true! Palm Cove is a glorious part of the world – secluded, lush and deliciously tropical. And, feedback from previous retreats I’ve hosted in Palm Cove was that this was part of the reason the Retreat worked so well. The seclusion meant that women normally in high demand felt they had permission to put their phones down, switch off their emails and focus on themselves. Combine that with the total change of temperature and climate, for many female leaders from southern states, the lush tropical environment was the exact circuit breaker they required for their much-needed reset.

With the ever changing restrictions and protocols of COVID-19, we also undertake to be fully compliant with whatever those restrictions look like at the time.


If your travel is cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will give you a full refund of your ticket price, or if you would prefer, you can put it towards a different program.


I’ve been traveling inter-state extensively since late 2020 dodging snap lock-downs in several states and I have been absolutely delighted with how flexible all travel and accommodation operators have been and the ease of which I have been able to cancel and/or change my bookings. The Pullman is no different and are guaranteeing flexibility. Who knows what the world is going to look like in June, but I have faith in science and our ability to remain flexible and if required we will push out the dates should we all end up unable to enter Queensland in June.


Finally, in terms of the Retreat venue itself, one of the reasons I’ve re-booked back at the Pullman is that the room where the sessions will be held is large, airy and spacious which is not only a treat but such a difference to the usual conference venue.

Every year I focus on creating a unique experience from the ground up – from the social events and experiences, to the brand new facilitated topics I deliver, through to the guest speakers I invite to round out the program. Guest speakers over recent Retreats have ranged from C-level executives, to Board/advisory panel experts, to performance coaching, to negotiation experts and an award writer to help you write better award nominations. We even had an optional (and hilarious) belly dancing class at one Retreat to help us loosen up before the social mixer! In the six months prior to the Retreat we pull together the guest speakers and program proper and will share via the email blasts. But we’ll keep the rest of the program under wraps to allow the element of surprise to work it’s magic on your experience.

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