How to boost your negotiation power in just 15 mins per week
This month inside The She-Suite® Club we’ve re-instigated the Friday Achievement Formula – to get some rigour and discipline re-established around capturing and reporting wins, achievements and progress.
Why? Because when you’re really busy leading both at work and at home, it can be hard to stay motivated to document every week – unless, that is, you’re working 1:1 with a coach who holds you accountable.
The Friday Achievement Formula an easy way for you to capture all those things that you did well, projects that you finished, progress that you made on bigger goals, progress that you made on personal KPIs – that sometimes your socialisation, the modesty norm or perhaps a dose of low confidence is causing you to brush under the table.
To paraphrase Peter Drucker – what gets measured gets done. When we track our big projects, career milestones, our wins, progress and achievements it helps us to build our brand more easily on substance. When you have a factual, quantifiable and/or qualifiable record of what you’ve achieved and how you achieved it, you can not only see incremental gain, but you can begin to see the real value you’re adding to the business and the true impact you are making.
- Self-doubt is more easily put in it’s place
- Imposter syndrome is more easily dealt with, and
- You can let go of the belief around trading time for money and start focusing on trading impact for money – a much better bargaining tool at the salary negotiating table!
Women who establish this sort of habit tell me that it’s great for those times when:
- You are feeling blue or worn out or wondering if it’s all worthwhile
- You need to update your CV or prepare for a performance appraisal
- You’re preparing for a job interview
- You’re negotiating a raise
- You’re nominating for an Award
- Someone pushes back on your in a meeting but you know they are wrong but normally can’t think of how to respond but because you do this work, you’ll have access to a counter argument more easily, or
- You need to self-promote.
Every Friday from now until the end of eternity (!) write down the following items –
- What have you achieved this week? What wins, achievements or progress you have made – personally or professionally.
- What was the business, organisational, or personal benefit you delivered? Financial or other – quantify where possible and/or qualify where you can and this is super important. Remember the golden rule – if you want to put it on your CV you’ve got to put a number on it (Sorry Beyoncé 🤣).
- What was the core skill/expertise you used to deliver that achievement? And this is the bit that women often find hard. You must learn to own and claim your expertise, your part in the equation, the difference you are making. This regular documenting provides great practice.
Then go out and find someone to tell about what you’ve done. – after all, you cannot sell a secret.
I’d love to hear from you the ways that the Friday Achievement Formula has helped you.
YOUR THOUGHTS? Drop me a note and let me know.
I’m on a mission to help women to play a much bigger game – and do so with BIG ideas, BIG impact and BIG, audacious bucket loads of confidence, so that together we can shift the balance of power and create a better place for us all.
- Watch this webinar on the Friday Achievement Formula – then why not join us in The Club for the Challenge?
Build your brand on substance!
Fortune favours the well prepared particularly on LinkedIn
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