Introducing The She-Suite™ Club

The Exclusive Empowerment Community for Leading Women

When Women win, we all win.
Join the movement today.

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Have you hit the “glass ceiling” so many times, it feels as if the top of your head is flat? Has your journey through the executive ranks seem to have stalled out? Are your dedication and hard work going unrewarded? Are you feeling underappreciated or misunderstood in the workplace? If so…welcome to The Club!

“This is THE place, where like-minded, executive-minded, forward-thinking women come to communicate—collaborate—and celebrate everything that it means to be a career-focused woman in a male-dominated work environment. This isn’t about ‘us vs. them.’ This is about us making a name for ourselves—taking a seat, and truly owning that seat, at the executive table—and doing so not as ‘clones’ of men, but as authentic, self-confident, self-empowered women.”

Amanda Blesing

2 x Author; Women’s C-Suite Mentor & Executive Coach; Founder: The She-Suite™ Club

Where empowered women empower other women. Because when women win, everyone wins.

What Others Say

Not Sure About Whether Working with Amanda is Right For You?

Amanda is best known for her work in three areas


Helping leading women build a powerful brand and profile


Keeping leading women strong, strategic and confident in their big role


Helping busy, hard working executives win pay rises, promotions, better opportunities and the recognition they truly deserve.

Throughout the last few years, despite an economic downturn, many of Amanda’s clients -

Received significant increases in salary,

Became finalists in Awards

Had articles featured in national and international publications, and

Several clients landed what can only be described as their “dream role” inside their “dream organisation” despite the impact of COVID.

While we can’t guarantee a raise, what we can guarantee is that all your career tools will be upgraded at least two levels, plus your confidence will go through the roof.

Whether you think you can, or think you can’t – you’re absolutely, categorically right. So why not you?

On top of the tactics, support, and confidence Amanda gave me, another incredible asset was Amanda’s community of executive women. There were so many light bulb moments in the group of really successful women experiencing the same scenarios that I had been experiencing.

It helped remove a lot of my own self-inflicted self-doubt as I recognized my experiences were not isolated.

Barb Woodruff Swanson

CRO, Fergus

A good coach whispers in your ear what you know deep down in your soul and in your heart – what you can do, what you should be and that you’re worthy. Amanda turbo-boosted my courage and confidence as she pushed and then applauded me in a very challenging time for our industry.

I had more opportunities materialise because Amanda helped me focus on being the best me.

Ursula Dyer Lepporoli

Partner, KMPG

My work with you was life changing. I am going from strength to strength and cannot imagine how any of this would have happened without your guidance. Was offered (acting) manager position within a year of starting at my new role, as per goal. Then the GM of all the teams said “Actually, I want you in my innovation team because those skills are harder to recruit”. That was my medium term goal, and I thought I might need extra quals to jump across. I’ve accepted and can’t wait to start. I only received that offer because of things I had been doing as a result of your coaching. THANK YOU!


Finance Professional

You provided a nurturing strengthening environment with knowledgeable generous speakers and a diverse set of women to share the Retreat with.

Dreda Heard

Loved discussing the different challenges and learnings with women from diverse backgrounds and sectors as it gave me different ideas on how to tackle my career. I also really appreciated the focus on being intentional with your career. Everyone was so open, honest and supportive of each other. I can’t wait for the next Retreat.

Sophia Ljaskevic

The thing I love the most about the Women of Impact Retreat in Palm Cove is the connection and how I feel afterwards. That sense of clarity towards a vision. Thank you. See you next year!

Mary-Beth Hosking

Thank you for an inspiring, thought provoking and insightful retreat. It was a pleasure to meet everyone hear about their careers, aspirations and stories. Looking forward to seeing what everyone is able to achieve in the coming year!

Kris Ashpole

Wow what an amazing Retreat. So many inspirational stories and take aways. Very grateful. Thank you 🙏

Sneha Sathpathy Mahajan

I’m sitting on the plane about to fly out of Cairns now, and reflecting on what an inspiring experience the Retreat has been. Such a pleasure to meet so many accomplished and empowering women. Thank you for the wisdom and encouragement. Fantastic retreat Amanda! Already wanting to return in 2025.

Claire Draper

GREAT webinar yesterday! Your presentation style is awesome, just what resonates with me and your passion shines through.

Sigrid de Kaste

Book Writing & Marketing Strategist

I really loved the Women of Impact Retreat in Palm Cove for a range of reasons including quality network with inspiring women on a similar journey, plus the program is always well structured and tailored for the needs of the group. Looking forward to the next one

Jane Sarah Lat

Financial management

I really enjoyed attending the Women of Impact Retreat with so many inspiring women. It was like an awakening for me and helped me become more intentional, and purposeful towards creating more impact myself.

Ming Zhang

I’ve never had professional photos taken before so the thought of getting a new set of headshots done was quite unnerving. But the way Amanda runs her VIP photoshoots takes the pressure off yet gives you a wide range of shots to choose from. The whole experience was so much fun! Plus, the feedback I continue to get from my pictures is amazing – I LOVE them.

Jodie Coomer

Head of EPMO and HR

The most remarkable woman I’ve met is Amanda Blesing. She is a phenomenal mentor and coach and is so passionate about what she does, it beams out of her. She inspires anyone who crosses her path. We met five years ago when I moved to Melbourne, and she challenged me to set big goals which I thought were outrageous at the time. But, instead of being paralysed by fear, I challenged myself, and I am forever grateful for her ability to spark this desire.

Georgina Wind

Former Chief Compliance Officer, Telstra

I was fortunate to attend your leadership program at my company two years ago and it was fantastic. In fact, lifechanging.


Mining Sector

You’ve poured your heart into your Career , and it’s about time you were recognized for it. Let’s work together to create the life you deserve.

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