7 Questions to Help You Reset Your Career and Mojo
In case you’re wondering, yes, I’ve been a bit quiet on the e-newsletter front. It’s been a busy year and I’ve also been preparing for my annual month off.
On that note I’m now on leave right through until the middle of January and ….. I can’t wait. The summer holiday season in Australia is a long tradition that I have become increasingly delighted to support.
- I love the time to reconnect with friends and family
- I enjoy the time off with Russell (my husband) when we have time to have adventures together
- I LOVE the reading, listening and learning that I get to engage in as well with audio-books lined up for long and leisurely drives for days
- Plus – it’s summer and I really enjoy the outdoors and the warmth.
I am privileged to live in Australia where there is much to grateful for.
It’s got me thinking about the role of gratitude in our lives.
Gratitude is an amazing tool. It makes you more present, grounds you in reality and helps you see both the woods and the trees, aka progress.
When the negative news cycle makes us feel that we’re going to h*ll in a hand-basket, a regular gratitude practice can remind us that we’re actually not. That’s why I love my daily gratitude ritual. And I use the word ritual deliberately – because my gratitude ritual is a non-negotiable aspect of my life and has been game-changing.
Here’s what I’ve been grateful for on a professional level for 2023.
1. Publishing the 2nd edition of Invisible to Invincible: a self promotion handbook for executive women and it then becoming an Amazon Best Seller for 5 days in a row. Amazing! And thank you! I could not have done it without you. 🙏🏼
Also, I recorded an audio version – now on Apple Books and Audible in case you love a good listen. Also available on Awesound – where I can offer a 50% discount. Use this code to get the discount HYT5ZNQU.
For those women struggle to find time to actually read, but are more easily able to listen. This is for you. 🙏🏼
2. Winning another LinkedIn Top Voice Award 💥 (I know right?!?!). This time for personal branding. Plus I cracked the 30K connection mark in the middle of the year. Thank you so much for supporting my posts on LinkedIn too! 🙏🏻
3. Working with 55+ women either 1:1 or in The Club to help them kick their career goals – promotions, pay rises and recognition. And these women are the reason I get out of bed every day. They inspire me as much as I inspire them (I hope!!). 🙏🏻
4. Hosting two amazing Retreats in Palm Cove QLD. One simply wasn’t enough!!! This truly is the jewel in the crown of my offering. If you missed out, be sure to check it out on my website here. Thanks to everyone who played a part – attending, speaking, coordinating. Both were life and career changing. 🙏🏻
5. Running a heap of VIP Branding Photoshoots – 18 women got out of their own way to step in front of the camera and upgrade their personal brand. Did I mention how much fun we had? Keep your eye out for the next year. 🙏🏻
6. And just last week I hosted two Xmas parties for my 1:1 VIP coaching clients and She-Suite® Club members in each of Sydney and Melbourne and got to see first hand how wonderful it is to be part of a community of inspired and inspiring career minded women. 🙏🏻
Thank you, thank you thank you.
As we close out 2023 and gear up for an even more brilliant 2024, why not hit the career and mojo reset button with these great clarifying and uplifting questions starting with gratitude?
It will open you up to hope and possibility much more easily.
Grab a pen and paper, find a quiet place to reflect and spend some time digging deep and getting some of your thoughts out of your head and into your journal.
- What am I grateful for today?
- What am I grateful for in 2023?
- Why am I so happy?
- What am I committed to for the next year?
- How committed am I? (10% to 100%)
- What’s one step I can put on my to do list, that will help me get started when the time is right?
- What’s my intention for the rest of the year?
Now you too can face the year ahead with grace, purpose and optimism. And as Anne Frank wisely said “What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.”
YOUR THOUGHTS? If this practice works for you, please drop me a note I’d love to hear.
Stay visible! And strategic 😎 See you in 2024.
Amanda 🙏🏻
Fortune favours the well prepared particularly on LinkedIn
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